Sunday 30 November 2014

Dancehall Choreography (Aya)

Although this type of dance form and a lot of other types may seem discriminatory to some, but in my learning of dance, I have come to realise that any kind of movement you express with dance will always be an art form and a way to let go of oneself! My goal though this activity is to reawaken that creavity and movement in my life and hopefully other lives though the opportunity given by CAS.

Wednesday 21 May 2014


After having completed the graffiti project, we finally decided to go for a huge and seemingly healthy change to to GYM and FITNESS!! 
So we took off for the gym in the afternoon (for 2 hours from 4-6) and trained ourselves to become fitter and more active. 
Some of us took up the 20 minute running challenge without stopping and then went off to join an ongoing class of STEP DANCE, which if I daresay was not as easy as we thought it would be! But we still had a lot of fun and our trainer was just amazing! Finally we cooled down by doing a few planks and body stretches.

The GRAFFITI Project

The Graffiti Project was an enjoyable and creative experience for everyone but especially for me because although I am very much fond of different varieties of art, I have never been exposed to the world of graffiti or graffiti artists. Due to this project I found out quite a lot about this form of art and what it represents; the voice of rebels and people who want to speak to the world and pass on an important message without really speaking but demonstrating everything through this form of art.
As an activity we exhibited our own Graffiti demonstrations and decided to work in groups. Sally, my friend, and I came up with a really amazing idea about producing a work of 3D-art that reflects the media, propaganda, people, corruption and destruction of our world and society in our day, with a single, pure white tree of hope at the bottom but in the centre of our Earth.
This project was a very interesting and knowledgeable  creativity activity for CAS and obviously extremely entertaining and slightly different from what we had done before in art or CAS!! 

Double Helixx (THE CAS DANCE CLUB)

Our dance group's very FIRST performance. Although, there might be a lot of mistakes but this performance will always be really special as this was the first dance challenge we, as a team, faced together.

Head Of Charity and 1st Charity For Donation


42, rue des Volontaires 75015 ­­
 tel: 0145208020­­

 The first IB CAS (2013­2015) International Food Day savings and profit is going to a charity: Ordre de Malte. Ordre de Malte is a charitable organization which covers several diverse aspects of human fragility. These include social,  physical and mental or psychological weakness. This charity has been helping and saving many human lives since 1928 and is one of the oldest charity in Europe. The major support Ordre de Malte provides to the human society is: solidarity between the weak, escape and rescue (from accidents and emergencies) and healthcare to the physically and mentally handicapped ( also provides support for : old age, autism and Alzheimer). At an international scale, Ordre de Malte is present in 28 countries around the globe ( in or as a part of healthcare centres or hospitals) .

For CAS :
 Anybody looking to cover hours for action and service for CAS, here is an opportunity! The
Charity provides a variety of workshops, courses and volunteering projects as part of its
organization. Examples of these are: ambulance training, medical training courses and
workshops( first aid, ABC...), SOS and rescue, and healthcare.

LeArNiNg PiAnO

CA hours completed (1 hour / week)

I have a history with instruments, specifically anything that looks like a Piano. Although I always took lessons for Piano out of my love for it, i never seemed to have gotten the chance to completely carry it out. This year, CAS gave me the opportunity to tune into my hobby again and so once more I took up the challenge of learning Piano and intend on keeping it that way. 
Learning Piano is helping me expand my knowledge of music and composition and theory of the music, which I can very much relate to creativity. I t could also be considered part of action since you are training your hands and arm muscles in a certain way and using your mental capacity and challenging it to remember various things at once. Learning this instrument has also developed my concentration, (more) patience and memory. It lets me express myself (which I am guessing any form of music does for different people) and creates an atmosphere of calm and peace.
 My  goal in learning this instrument is to try and master it and to accomplish this challenge I am going to give the ABRSM examination for Piano (November 2014/ June 2015) and hope to achieve good grades.

Achieved Learning Outcomes 
• increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth
• undertaken new challenges
• shown perseverance and commitment in their activities
• considered the ethical implications of their actions
• developed new skills


26 hours service completed (2 hours /week)

Volunteering at the library is my first service project. When I primarily decided on taking up this task for my service project, I wasn't sure at all about how it would go and also slightly nervous because I hadn't volunteered for anything before. However ever since I passed my interview successfully and got a shift for the Halloween event directly, i have done nothing but enjoyed helping out at the library. I go in and volunteer whenever I can nowadays. I have also managed to develop a very good social circle with the staff at the library and the people who come there. 
This project has allowed me develop my communication skills in a social and professional environment and also my confidence in talking to people I don't know. Arranging and putting the books in the library in order has also helped elevate my cataloging skills. Helping out and managing events is also a part of my volunteering shifts. I have learned a lot from this project and I am still learning. I have always loved books and libraries but doing this has placed the status of a library in my mind at an apex. Not only have I grown to a great extent as aperson due to these tasks, I have understood and helped  people in need of education and learning and obviously aided the extremely hard-working staff with their endless number of jobs!
"The library is not only a fun place to go, it's a place to connect, to share, to grow and help others to expand their horizons."  Lynne T.

Learning Outcomes Achieved Due to This Project 

• increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth
• undertaken new challenges
• worked collaboratively with others
• shown perseverance and commitment in their activities
• engaged with issues of global importance
• considered the ethical implications of their actions
• developed new skills

Sunday 16 February 2014


"You have to taste a culture, to understand it" 
Deborah Cater

BY far, International Food Day was our, IB1s, best planned event and also the very first, which I think pretty much everyone enjoyed, even after all the pre-sale confusion and difficulties. We were able to work as a team, enjoy, sell and taste new food and cultures and fund-raise for good cause (charity)!!!
LET me show you, how it was...... oh and I forgot to say, the amazing amount and variety of food was just delicious and fascinating to watch!!!!!

The Learning outcomes derived:
1) Increased my awareness of my strengths and areas of growth
2) Undertaken new challenges
3) Worked collaboratively with others
4) Shown perseverance and commitments in my activities
5) Engaged with issues of global importance
6) Developed new skills 

AND I also forgot to mention that I COOKED something traditional for the first time ever!!!!

REuse, REduce, REcycle

ONE of the school projects for CAS involves two clubs that are somewhat conjoined: THE ECO CLUB and THE RECYCLING CLUB. These clubs initiate activities that help our global and local environment and surroundings by coming up with new and creative ideas for inventions that develop the level of how we use our 'waste' and protect our society and probably on a bigger scale, the world!

SO far the activities we have undertaken are:

- Recycling cans, batteries and bottle tops
- Making 'Eco' Bins for paper and plastic recycling
- Designing posters for advertising recycling and the eco club
- Making an eco/recycle 'totem' or 'tree' out of bottles and bottletops as a container for recycli
ng small objects
- 'Recycling' Club decorations for the recycling area at school (work in progress)
- Making creative crafts out of recycling or recycled material and selling them for fundraising (in future)

FROM the 8 learning outcomes, I have fulfilled:
1) Increased my awareness and areas of growth
2) Undertaken new challenges
3) Worked collaboratively with others
4) Shown perseverance and commitment in my activities
5) Engaged with issues of global importance
6) Considered the ethical implications of my actions 
7) Developed new skills

Dance, Dance and Dance


TODAY I want to introduce you to one of the most important and magical thing in my life (and it is also part of my CAS project, but I will talk about that later on in the article)!!
DANCE was part of my life ever since I was a baby, not only that, it also plays a big role in my culture (Indian) and the traditions we follow. I wasn`t a trained dancer, all the techniques and the steps I learned came either from me or my surroundings and the people around me; my friends, family etc. In the middle, while we were moving to different places and different countries, I lost a part of me that used to represent me as an artist, a dancer. However since last year, I started off once more: researching, searching, learning. Learning more than I had ever learned anything about dance. I learned about the technical and practical part of dance of course but with that I found the opportunity to involve myself into the various forms of dance and the cultures they represent. The most important thing I learned about is the philosophy of dance. What is dance? What makes dance? Dance taught me and is still teaching me how to feel, fall and fly at the same time. It has evolved me as a human and as a more confident individual can listen to her heart and follow out its command , who can be open but closed shut like a book at the same time. Dance has come into my life as a gift, it has transformed my life in several ways, it has supported me through my ups and downs, I have also faced problems and failures with it but I feel that it has given me something, a talent to treasure, cherish, nurture and preserve. Dance has allowed me to grow and that is why today I present this THANK  YOU as tribute to Dance and hope that I accomplish what I have set out to do in this field and give all things back to it as a big present!!!

AS I have already pointed out I am involved in dance as activities for CAS as well. So allow me to introduce my dance schedule for a week. Firstly, as school project, I am one of the managers of the dance club (the other manager is my friend Maeva). We are almost 10 people. Together we come with choreographies, and different routines, individual and team routines, and plan on giving performances at school and outside school. Also, this dance club allows and represents diversity in itself, therefore we try our best to involve as many cultures and dance forms as possible. We also attend dance workshops, together or individually. Every one gets an equal chance to express their thoughts and show their preferred talent. 
The above file is a summary of the projects, ideas and events that will tale place in our Dance Club.
The name of aur Dance Club is DOUBLE HELIXX!!!

I have also joined Dance lessons, more specifically Ballet classes at the CENTRE DE DANSE ALESIA. I usually go there once a week on Wednesdays for about one and a half hour. Although, if I find time on Saturdays, I join the 1 hour ballet class then too.

All these activities bring together a lot of learning outcomes:
- Increased awareness of my own strengths and areas of growth.
- Undertaken new challenges
- Planned and initiated activities
- Worked collaboratively with others
- Shown perseverance and commitment in my activities
- Considered the ethical implications of my actions 
-  Developed new skills