Sunday 16 February 2014

REuse, REduce, REcycle

ONE of the school projects for CAS involves two clubs that are somewhat conjoined: THE ECO CLUB and THE RECYCLING CLUB. These clubs initiate activities that help our global and local environment and surroundings by coming up with new and creative ideas for inventions that develop the level of how we use our 'waste' and protect our society and probably on a bigger scale, the world!

SO far the activities we have undertaken are:

- Recycling cans, batteries and bottle tops
- Making 'Eco' Bins for paper and plastic recycling
- Designing posters for advertising recycling and the eco club
- Making an eco/recycle 'totem' or 'tree' out of bottles and bottletops as a container for recycli
ng small objects
- 'Recycling' Club decorations for the recycling area at school (work in progress)
- Making creative crafts out of recycling or recycled material and selling them for fundraising (in future)

FROM the 8 learning outcomes, I have fulfilled:
1) Increased my awareness and areas of growth
2) Undertaken new challenges
3) Worked collaboratively with others
4) Shown perseverance and commitment in my activities
5) Engaged with issues of global importance
6) Considered the ethical implications of my actions 
7) Developed new skills

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