Sunday 16 February 2014


"You have to taste a culture, to understand it" 
Deborah Cater

BY far, International Food Day was our, IB1s, best planned event and also the very first, which I think pretty much everyone enjoyed, even after all the pre-sale confusion and difficulties. We were able to work as a team, enjoy, sell and taste new food and cultures and fund-raise for good cause (charity)!!!
LET me show you, how it was...... oh and I forgot to say, the amazing amount and variety of food was just delicious and fascinating to watch!!!!!

The Learning outcomes derived:
1) Increased my awareness of my strengths and areas of growth
2) Undertaken new challenges
3) Worked collaboratively with others
4) Shown perseverance and commitments in my activities
5) Engaged with issues of global importance
6) Developed new skills 

AND I also forgot to mention that I COOKED something traditional for the first time ever!!!!

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