Wednesday 21 May 2014


26 hours service completed (2 hours /week)

Volunteering at the library is my first service project. When I primarily decided on taking up this task for my service project, I wasn't sure at all about how it would go and also slightly nervous because I hadn't volunteered for anything before. However ever since I passed my interview successfully and got a shift for the Halloween event directly, i have done nothing but enjoyed helping out at the library. I go in and volunteer whenever I can nowadays. I have also managed to develop a very good social circle with the staff at the library and the people who come there. 
This project has allowed me develop my communication skills in a social and professional environment and also my confidence in talking to people I don't know. Arranging and putting the books in the library in order has also helped elevate my cataloging skills. Helping out and managing events is also a part of my volunteering shifts. I have learned a lot from this project and I am still learning. I have always loved books and libraries but doing this has placed the status of a library in my mind at an apex. Not only have I grown to a great extent as aperson due to these tasks, I have understood and helped  people in need of education and learning and obviously aided the extremely hard-working staff with their endless number of jobs!
"The library is not only a fun place to go, it's a place to connect, to share, to grow and help others to expand their horizons."  Lynne T.

Learning Outcomes Achieved Due to This Project 

• increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth
• undertaken new challenges
• worked collaboratively with others
• shown perseverance and commitment in their activities
• engaged with issues of global importance
• considered the ethical implications of their actions
• developed new skills

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