Wednesday 21 May 2014

LeArNiNg PiAnO

CA hours completed (1 hour / week)

I have a history with instruments, specifically anything that looks like a Piano. Although I always took lessons for Piano out of my love for it, i never seemed to have gotten the chance to completely carry it out. This year, CAS gave me the opportunity to tune into my hobby again and so once more I took up the challenge of learning Piano and intend on keeping it that way. 
Learning Piano is helping me expand my knowledge of music and composition and theory of the music, which I can very much relate to creativity. I t could also be considered part of action since you are training your hands and arm muscles in a certain way and using your mental capacity and challenging it to remember various things at once. Learning this instrument has also developed my concentration, (more) patience and memory. It lets me express myself (which I am guessing any form of music does for different people) and creates an atmosphere of calm and peace.
 My  goal in learning this instrument is to try and master it and to accomplish this challenge I am going to give the ABRSM examination for Piano (November 2014/ June 2015) and hope to achieve good grades.

Achieved Learning Outcomes 
• increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth
• undertaken new challenges
• shown perseverance and commitment in their activities
• considered the ethical implications of their actions
• developed new skills

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