Sunday 17 November 2013

Temple-Sur-Lot, Agen ..... SCHOOL TRIP 2013-2014



WATER SPORTS - sailing/ rowing/ canoeing/ kayaking/ dragon boat :






Thursday 14 November 2013

Writing is easy....?!

"Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words!" -Mark Twain

HI there! At this moment I am wondering whether to agree with this quote typed right above. Is writing really easy ? Is anything really easy ? I am sure we have all had times when we are sitting there, in front of a fresh page thinking about what to write and having said that, I think it works the same way for whatever activity we are just about to start : may it be writing a journal or beginning the IB diploma.
Yes! I am an IB student, infact an IB1 student studying at EiB in Paris (France), trying to write up my IB CAS journal. The purpose of my blog is to write down my reflections on the activities that I take up as Creativity, Action and Service in between 2013-2015 and through those reflections meet the IB mission statement and the 8 CAS learning outcomes, of which I am already undertaking one of them this instant: being a risk taker and undertaking a new challenge, as this is the very first time I have started a blog. Wanting  to experiment and to do something other than making a 'real' journal as I usualy would have done. One of the strange reasons for selecting the quote above is to contradict it and express how hard starting something as 'easy' as a new blog, writing space or any new activity can be even if you love doing it!
I want to jump back a bit and talk a little about what CAS and the 8 learning outcomes really are..... 
During these two years of the IB diploma, us, the students are to take up a program called CAS which merely stands for Creativity, Action and Service and are challenged to use our potential to the best to come out as a 'better' person and these 8 learning outcomes are supposed to help us achieve our goals and develop in various ways, which will supposedly be represented through our reflections in our CAS journal!
The 8 learning outcomes are:
1.increasing awareness of strengths and areas of growth 
2.undertaking new challenges 
3.planning and initiating activities
4.working collaboratively with others
5.showing perseverance and commitment in activities
6.engaging with issues of global importance
7.considering the ethical implications of any actions
8.developing new skills
Hopefully during these two years, we will be growing everyday to achieve these 8 outomes and coming up with many new, fun and exciting projects to work on (and crossing out all the wrong words).
Finally, the original reason for settling upon this absurd title and quote: introduction to a new activity (starting a blog) and expressing my nervousness due to not knowing how to intoduce to you all, my CAS journal!! :)